Advancing Racial Equity in the Tech Industry: A 21st Century Imperative

career advancement Feb 14, 2023

In today's rapidly evolving world, achieving racial equity in the tech industry is not just a matter of social justice but also an imperative for our nation's future prosperity. As the United States strives to remain innovative and competitive, it is crucial that educational and workforce opportunities align with the racial diversity of our population. However, the current reality falls short of this vision, particularly for Black individuals.

Disparities in Representation:

Despite comprising 13 percent of the U.S. population, Black people make up only 7 percent of the computing workforce. This stark underrepresentation is even more unsettling when we consider the breakdown of roles within the field. According to the American Community Survey, a significant portion of the 7 percent are relegated to "computer support specialists," reflecting limited access to higher-level positions and opportunities for career advancement.

A Modern Civil Rights Issue:

Recognizing the urgency of the situation, the NAACP asserts that diversity in the tech industry is a modern civil rights issue. It is imperative that we no longer remain indifferent to the disheartening statistics that undermine racial equity in this crucial sector. In response, the call to action and recommendations presented in this report outline a compelling case for a comprehensive, cradle-to-career approach to increasing the number and capacity of Black individuals in tech.

Collaborating for Change:

The NAACP is committed to joining forces with organizations like the Kapor Center, recognizing the need for collective action to effect lasting change. By leveraging shared expertise, resources, and influence, we can work towards a future where Black children consistently receive quality tech education, equipping them for postsecondary success in computational sciences. This vision extends beyond education alone, aiming to foster an emerging generation that contributes to a racially diverse tech workforce, with Black innovators who strengthen our nation and propel the world at the human-technology frontier.

Education as the Foundation:

To dismantle the barriers and systemic biases that impede Black representation in tech, a comprehensive, cradle-to-career approach is essential. It begins with ensuring that Black children have equal access to quality tech education from an early age. By fostering an inclusive learning environment, implementing culturally responsive curricula, and providing adequate resources, we can cultivate the necessary foundation for their future success in the tech industry.

Supporting Postsecondary Pathways:

Building on early education, it is crucial to create robust pathways for Black students to pursue postsecondary education in computational sciences. This entails expanding scholarship programs, mentorship opportunities, and partnerships with tech companies and universities to provide financial assistance, guidance, and exposure to real-world experiences. Empowering Black students to access and excel in higher education is a vital step towards increasing their representation in the tech workforce.

Building an Inclusive Tech Ecosystem:

A racially diverse tech workforce requires not only individual efforts but also systemic changes within the industry. Tech companies must prioritize diversity and inclusion in their hiring practices, ensuring equitable opportunities for Black professionals. Additionally, fostering inclusive workplace cultures that value diverse perspectives, provide mentorship and sponsorship, and offer opportunities for advancement is crucial to retaining and advancing Black talent in the tech sector.


Achieving racial equity in the tech industry is not just an aspiration but a necessity for our nation's future. By recognizing the imperative for change, collaborating with stakeholders, and implementing comprehensive strategies, we can break down the barriers that limit the representation and advancement of Black individuals in tech. Through an inclusive and diverse tech ecosystem, we can tap into the immense potential of Black innovators, fortify our nation, and propel the world towards a brighter future at the intersection of humanity and technology.

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